Mission Statement
Yeshua3.com, believe we are living in the time of the great falling away, as prophesied in scripture. Faith has been replaced by complacency, and many have turned to idol worship—whether in the form of materialism, politics, or traditions—abandoning the narrow path that leads to life.
Our mission is to guide individuals back to faith in The Torah. As commanded by and rooted in the Hebrew scriptures. We are committed to helping truth-seekers rediscover the ancient path, walking in obedience to Elohim’s commandments and following in Yeshua’s footsteps, which leads to eternal life.
By lighting one candle at a time, we strive to reignite authentic faith in Elohim, replacing idolatry with wholehearted devotion to the Almighty. Through education, community, and discipleship, Yeshua3.com empowers believers to resist the wide and easy path that leads to destruction and to walk boldly in truth, grace, and holiness. We call it faith in motion: walking, lighting, and restoring. Shalom!
Walking Lighting Restoring